Dave Habben - Monstrous Mountains
Dave Habben has sent in his teaser shot and geo pic and he hails from the state I was born, Utah. Below is a teaser shot of Dave's illustration.

With the awesome Wasatch mountains as a backdrop, Dave tells us his story of inspiration.
Dave writes:
"This is my second time to live in the beautiful Wasatch mountains and I love the inspiration that comes from the amazing spring and summer weather we have here. My sketchbook is a place for unrestricted exploration, so it often ends up looking like a mess. I'll wash the pages in paint and markers, collage, etc. Anything. People are often surprised by this because my finished work tends to be much more clean and straightforward. Its like starting with pile of random bits and carving it down to a basic idea."
Dan Goodsell has sent in his teaser shot and I am still waiting to get his write up. SO Check back often because the book is once again on the move!
Dave, you're just my favorite! I love your linework... it's crazy good
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