Aaron Sowd - " I’ve always hated clowns"
The book is well on it's way, the only delays lately seem to be with updating the site. ;-) With that said, the book left the capable hands of Dan Goodsell and was turned over to the equally capable Aaron Sowd.

Aaron writes:
I’ve always hated clowns.
Maybe I should begin at the beginning. Before being traumatized by Barnum and Bailey I’ve always loved drawing. A great writer (I think it was F. Scott Fitzgerald) once said “paying a writer to write is like paying an alcoholic to drink; they’d do it anyway.” I think that applies to artists as well. It’s something we have to do. I know I have to, I just can’t believe that I actually get paid to do it on a daily basis. It’s the best scam ever! So keep that quote to yourself…
I live in Los Angeles, more specifically, the Culver City/Venice area. So how to sum up a town as large and diverse as Los Angeles in a single image? A town that I love? And sometimes hate?
With clowns, of course.
I congratulate, your idea is brilliant
Willingly I accept. The question is interesting, I too will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer. I am assured.
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